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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field


I love to read about the great miracles that the Lord did for the children of Israel who had been slaves for over 400 years!

God sent plagues over Pharaoh and Egypt to make Pharaoh let the people go! These plagues “never touched one of the Israelites.” Waters turned to blood, there were swarms of flies, the death of all their cattle, frogs, lice, boils, hail, fire, locusts, darkness, and even the death of every firstborn child and the very firstborn of any beast. He brought the slaves out with silver, gold, and jewels!

Now, they were facing the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army behind them, and they forgot about the great miracles that the Lord had done and how He had freed them! What did they do? Instead of praying and praising God for what He had done, they began to whine and cry… “Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness.” (Exodus 14:12) What crybabies!

Today, if you are facing a bad situation, begin to thank God for what He has already done and praise Him ahead of time for what He is about to do… And “don’t be a crybaby!” God loves faith! Begin to thank Him and remember what He has done already!! Sherry

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