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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Skating on Thin Ice”

I grew up in Pennsylvania… Bobby always says that “if his father ever knew he married a ‘Yankee,’ he would turn over in his grave!” We were a poor family of five children. We lived “in the woods.” It was a small town but in the woods! When it snowed, it snowed hard! I can remember going to church or someone’s house after it had snowed, but then according to the weather, the ground would turn to ice! If you have never walked on slippery ice, you have no idea how hard it is to keep your balance, especially if you’re used to the south. When we go to visit our family in California during the winter, it is snowing and icy. I must be very careful “not to fall,” because I have broken my back in Haiti twice, and the doctor told me that “I can never break it again.”

In our Christian life, we sometimes “walk in places” where it becomes slippery. We go through trials and struggles, heartaches, and sometimes we feel as if we “could fall in at any time.” But the Bible says, “Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling…” (Jude 1:24) This doesn’t mean just “falling into sin,” but to keep you from “falling.” God still has a hold of your hand! HE WILL NEVER LET GO, EVEN WHEN YOU ARE “SKATING ON THIN ICE!” You are never, never out of His sight, and you are never “out of His hand!” Have a great day, and remember that the Lord is with you 24/7, always holding on to your hand!!


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