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Word from the Mission Field: 2-20-19 6:00 AM

Word from the Mission Field: 2-20-19 6:00 AM

“Learn How to Say Good-bye.”

In Ruth, Chapter One, there was a famine in the land of Bethlehem-Judah. A man named Elimelech and his wife Naomi, went to the country of Moab, along with their two grown sons. Elimelech dies and the two sons marry women from Moab, Ruth and Orpha. Soon, these two young men and Ruth, the mother-in-law is left with two daughters-in-law and no sons… She takes her daughters-in-law back to Judah, to escape the famine in Moab… En route, she tells her daughters-in-law to leave her, go back to their country and marry a man and have children. Orpha decides to leave, but Ruth stays… Ruth, and Naomi, had to say “good-bye” to Orpha… There is a time in our lives when we need to say “good-bye” to some people… It may be painful… a relationship, a job, some “friends,” but when it comes time to say good-bye, say it and don’t look back. God has something else for you. We have had some missionaries here in Haiti that we thought, “would stay with us forever…” But, some could not take the stress of Haiti… others, “wanted to do their own thing” because “they could do it better.” We had to say “good-bye” in order for God to give us the right people…. because, some of your friends or acquaintances will leave you “in the heat of the battle…” Say “good-bye now,” and get over it! God has a bigger plan! Sherry

P.S. “Poor Ruth” went on to marry, “rich, much older, Boaz…” (smile)… They had a child named “Obed, …. who was the grandfather of David…of the lineage of Jesus!”

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