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Word from the Mission Field: 2-26-19 6:00 AM

Word from the Mission Field: 2-26-19 6:00 AM


What a story Jesus told us about “forgiveness.” Sometimes, it’s hard to forgive, but when we think about our own life, how much Jesus has already forgiven us, it’s easier to forgive.

In Matthew 18:23-35, Jesus tells his disciples the story of the king who had servants who “owed the king.” The most indebted was the man who owed, “10,000 talents,” which in today’s money, was “MILLIONS OF DOLLARS…” possibly as much as $52,000,000! Because the man could not pay, the king commanded that he, his wife, his children, and everything that he had, be sold, for payment. The servant’s life “was over.” He would never see his wife or children again… and all of them would end up slaves! But, the man fell down, worshipped him and begged for a chance “to pay it all back.” The servant was asking for mercy, which he did not deserve. The king moved with compassion, did an unthinkable thing! He forgave this debt of millions of dollars! This “forgiven man,” went out and found his friend, (also a servant), who owed him 100 pence, (about $44 U.S. in today’s money). Instead of canceling the poor servant’s debt of $44, he took him by the throat, (could have easily killed him), and put the poor guy in prison! This made everyone angry and they went and told the king. The king was uncontrollably angry. He said, “I forgave you a big debt. But, you could not forgive your friend, “a small debt.” The king commanded him to the “tormentors,” who would torture him day and night till all his debt would be paid… (probably till his death). Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” Matthew 5:7 “Let go of un-forgiveness…” It’s worse than cancer…

Have a great day, remembering we have a “High Priest” who is constantly forgiving us. Sherry

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