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Word from the Mission Field: 2-28-19 6:00 AM

Word from the Mission Field: 2-28-19 6:00 AM

“Look Who Shows Up, at the ‘Show-down?'” – Part One

In I Kings 18th chapter, there is a “show-down” on Mt. Carmel… “Whose god is God?” All Israel is gathered together along with the Prophet Elijah, facing off 450 prophets that worshipped Baal, along with 400 more, who ate at “Jezebel’s table.” Elijah challenges them to “duel.” Let the 450 prophets make a sacrifice, but “don’t put any fire on it,” and I will make a sacrifice and do the same; the god who answers by fire, will be true God! And so, they did… the false prophets called on their god and nothing happened… they “cut themselves with knives, lancets, until their blood gushed out” from morning till noon! Nothing! After taunting them, Elijah makes his own sacrifice and has them pour “twelve barrels of water on the sacrifice, enough to fill the ditches around it.” He calls on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel… fire falls from Heaven… it consumed the sacrifice, the wood, the stones, the dust, and the water in the trench! You may be in a “show-down” with the devil; He’s got you “out-numbered.” Things may look bad… you may feel that you are at the “end of your rope,” hanging on a cliff, but God has your number! “God always shows up, at a ‘show-down!’”

Have a great day! See Part Two tomorrow. Sherry

P.S. Oh yes, those 450 false prophets? Elijah and the people took them to the Brook Kishon and killed them!

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