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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Time and Chance.”
“I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” Ecclesiastes 9:11
It does no good for us to blame God, or mankind, or our parents, or where we were born, or anything else. Some people spend their time making excuses for why they are not a success or why they don’t have money, or why this or that… God has evened out the playing field. Sooner or later, “time and chance” happen to us all. The problem is that sometimes, we are so preoccupied with things, that we “miss” the “time and the chance,” because we are too busy to “hear His voice.”
Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice…” As we pray and communicate with God, we know His voice. We know when He says, “No, now is not the time” or “this is the time to do it.”
I have a rottweiler in Haiti, named Sampson. He sleeps by our bed. I bought him for protection against the thugs that were constantly trying to harass us. He “knows my voice!” He knows when I am proud of him and he knows when I am mad at him. He “knows my voice.” Even if he is inside the orphanage and he hears my voice, he will just about break the door down.
“Hearing God’s voice” will keep us out of trouble. It will let us know when the time is right… when to move, when to stay. Hearing His voice will let us know “the timing is right and this is our chance!” God is no respecter of persons… time and chance happen to us all and we must be prepared!! Keep your heart open to God’s voice! Have a great day, Sherry
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