“Cut the Cord…”
It may be easy for some to “step away,” from people you may like in order to separate yourself “unto the Lord.”
2 Corinthians 6:17, declares, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you…”
This is not only talking about idol worship, but it speaks of anything or anyone who could “separate you,” from the Lord. Some women are still stuck in a bad marriage with an abusive husband, and they feel “they cannot leave.” Or maybe the truth of a young man, who needs to “separate himself,” from that girlfriend that is pulling him away. It could be anything, a job that you “feel uncomfortable with,” or any situation that “just doesn’t feel right,” but maybe it could affect your income. It could be a friendship with someone that you “are not comfortable with…” When you have that feeling, you must “cut the cord.” It is one of the hardest things to do.
When the children of Israel left Egypt you would have thought “they would never look back…” But, they soon began to murmur about their past life… a life of bondage, slavery, and mistreatment. They had to “cut the cord.” Today the Lord may be speaking to you through this Word this morning. It takes strength to “cut the cord,” and let those things go that separate you from the Lord, and when you do, “never look back.” Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the “author, and finisher of your faith!”
Have a great day! “Cut the cord!” Sherry