“Don’t Pass By On the Other Side.”
A story is told by Jesus when a lawyer asked him this question… “Who is my neighbor?” Instead of answering directly, Jesus told a story of a man who was going down to Jericho and fell among thieves. They stole his clothing, and everything he had and beat him unmercifully and left him for dead.
The poor man lay bleeding and wounded, probably in the heat of the sun… but he gained a little hope when he saw a priest coming. Surely, he would help… but he didn’t. Not only did he “not help,” but that hypocrite went out of his way to “go to the other side of the street,” as if he did not see the man.
Another man came by, this time, a Levite, one of the most religious people of their times. But, he too passed by on the other side. I see that poor man on the road, sticking one hand out for help, and crying for someone to help. Lastly, a “despicable” Samaritan, whom all the religious leaders hated, saw the man, had compassion on him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine, and then put the man on his own donkey and carried him to an inn, instructing the keeper to look after him, and he would pay any bill owed. Then, the lawyer asked a question, “Who was his neighbor?” And Jesus said, “the one that showed mercy on him.”
How many times have you “passed by on the other side?” Afraid to reach out to that lady dressed in rags, or maybe the man on the street, or someone else? Jesus puts people “in your path,” because He has confidence in you, as His child, that you will do the right thing. Sometimes, we say, “I don’t want to be bothered with that person.” But maybe the Lord wants you to… The Lord knows how to put someone in your path today, to see “if you will pass by on the other side.” If you do, you will lose your blessing. Keep your heart always open… God bless you, Sherry