A few days ago, one of our missionary friends, Joel and Yvonne, went to visit Wallace and Eleanor Turnbull at the Baptist Mission in Haiti. The Turnbulls have been there many, many years and are in their 90’s. What wonderful servants of the Lord and real missionaries! The work they have done all of these years lives on in the lives of thousands of Haitian pastors, the Christian schools, churches that they have built, and much more.
Yvonne and Sister Turnbull began talking about their plans for the rest of their lives. Then, Eleanor said, “The calling of God is ‘irrevocable!’” What a statement to make for all missionaries and for anyone who is called of God, whether a pastor, Sunday School teacher, simply called to “prayer,” or support.
The word “irrevocable” means “incapable of being retracted or revoked.” When God calls you to do something, anything, it is “irrevocable!” It is such a serious thing that Jesus said, “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62) It is a serious thing once God calls you to do something, even if you are an armor-bearer or a prayer warrior. Once you “put your hand to God’s plough, the calling is ‘irrevocable!’” The calling cannot be taken back! No, not even if you live in Haiti and your life is in danger, or you must climb the high mountain cliffs, or your truck breaks down in the “middle of nowhere,” or you face Voodoo people, or face a gang who wants to kill you, the “calling is irrevocable!” Even if you face the heat, the crowds of hungry people fighting for food, or the little children who make you cry, the calling is “irrevocable!” You cannot run from it, and you cannot hide!
Today, if God has called you to do something, and you say, “Yes,” make sure you stay on the front lines of the battle. God has no “sissies” in His army! When you “put your hands to the plough,” keep your eyes on the prize ahead! You are on the “winning side” with Jesus! This will be a great day for you!! Sherry