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Word from the Mission Field: 3-16-19 6:00 AM

Word from the Mission Field: 3-16-19 6:00 AM

The “Repo Man.”

“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1:19

Sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? When we see someone “blessed” (like Abraham, in the Bible), should we be jealous of them? Absolutely not!

We could never understand or feel the stress of leading all those people on a journey through an unknown land, all because an “invisible God,” had told him to “Leave your house and your land and your father, and go to the land which I shall show you.” How Abraham and his kinsfolk suffered through that long trial… but, God made Abraham “very rich!”

When Bobby and I started preaching on the street corners, we had bought a new truck from GMAC “on credit.” But, we never calculated that the offerings on the “street corners” would not be enough to make the payments. We heard that the “repo man” from GMAC was out to get our truck. We were preaching and always trying to hide our truck from the “repo man,” until we got enough money to make the payments! We struggled for years… but “through it all,” we remained faithful, even though it looked “dark.” Bobby would always tell me, “Sherry, I can see God doing great things in the future.” He told me that over and over again.

The day came, when the Lord spoke to Bobby and me, to “move to Haiti.” We had visited there, but the fact of “moving there” with no money or support really took a step of faith. Day after day, it looked like everyone else around was getting blessed… all the other missionaries were doing good, but we were still struggling. Has that ever happened to you? It looks like everyone else is getting blessed and you ask yourself, “What am I doing wrong?”

We did not envy them. We were not jealous of them. We just didn’t know what we were doing wrong… It was all part of God’s plan. Little by little, God began to bless us and now, we live in Haiti, and He provides all the needs we have to bless the poor! We always talk about the “repo man,” trying to find us to repossess our truck… We remember the things that God has brought us through. So, even if it looks bad now, “if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land!” Be blessed!


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