“All She Had…”
Mark 12:41- 44 is a scripture I’ve read many times… not just once, but many times. When Bobby and I visited Jerusalem years ago, the story became even more real to me… Jesus stood there, watching the people who came into the temple and the “especially rich, casting in of their abundance.” But, it was not a “sacrifice,” because the amount they cast in, was little, in comparison to what they had left.
The little “widow woman,” cast in “all that she had,” and when she did, she had “nothing left.” She was then, at the mercy of God. She was saying, “I don’t have much, but I will give you all that I have…” Her act so touched the heart of Jesus, that her story is in the Gospels.
Yesterday morning, I shared the story of Mr. Oske’s family, the man with the large family, and no food. We had found “one box of food” that we had saved for the local pastor, and with his permission, shared it with this poor man. That box became the “sacrifice.” It was really “the widow’s mite.” Someone had sent in enough money to sponsor “one box of food,” and probably had very little money… but that “one box of food,” was the key to a miracle! Through it, and because of it, Mr. Oske and his family of 8 children (4 of whom are restavek slaves) will all be able to live together in one nice, new “Haitian house.”
A restavek in Haiti is not necessarily a child “sold,” but it can be. However, when a parent dies and the father cannot take care of the children or when both die, the children will be sent to poor relatives to live, just so that they can have food. But, they will be treated differently than the other children… they will be “slaves” even to the poor family.
Right now, the “widow’s mite,” or that “one box of food,” is establishing a miracle for Mr. Oske and his family, although he knows nothing about it. Don’t ever be ashamed to give “your little bit,” because it can be the “key” to a miracle… for you! Just imagine how blessed that one will be, that sponsored “that one box of food,” for Mr. Oske!!! Jesus said, “Give and it shall be given unto you… pressed down, shaken together and running over!” Luke 6:38
Remember, it’s not what you give that determines the sacrifice, it’s what you have “left over after you give” that determines it!