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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field

“Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things.”

We are always “looking on the outside,” trying to determine if God could use that person… or, maybe that person is “you,” with no talent, nothing to offer, so you think, “how could God possibly use me? I have nothing to offer…”

All through the Bible, God used “ordinary people,” or people, who had difficulties or struggles, to do “extraordinary things.” Abraham… God told him to “leave his father, and his country and God would lead him and his people to a new country, and that he would be the “father of many nations.” How could he be “the father of many nations,” when his wife could not bear a child?

Moses… He met God on the “backside of a desert,” when tending his father-in-law’s sheep. But Moses did not want to be a leader. He was timid and afraid to talk. And Moses said unto God, “Who am I that I should go unto Pharaoh and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?” Exodus 3:11

David was just a shepherd boy. He was not a warrior. Think about it, he had never fought a battle, and yet, God used him to kill Goliath and to give Israel cause to fight the Philistines!

And how about this one? Timid, quiet little Madamn Jael. She was the wife of Heber the Kenite, who was the friend of Sisera, captain of the host of the Canaanites. Israel had fought with the Canaanites and Sisera, captain of the host, saw that the battle was lost and he fled. Where did he go? To the tent of his friend Heber…

But, Heber wasn’t there, so Madamn Jael invited the run-a-way captain to come inside and hide. She tenderly gave him a place to lie down, fixed him milk, gave him a blanket, and he fell fast asleep. While he was asleep, timid little Madamn Jael went outside, pulled a “tent stake” out, took a hammer, and went back inside to where Captain Sisera was sleeping. Well, you could say, “she nailed him!” She drove the tent stake into his forehead. When Barak, the captain of the host of the Lord came looking for Sisera, he found him dead. He had been killed by an “ordinary woman!” The battle ended with a woman, giving the final blow! Judges 4: 7-24

God uses “ordinary people” to stand up and fight the enemy and take a stand for God and His Kingdom. Today, if you are one of those “ordinary people,” God is looking for you! He can do great things in your life!!!! Have a wonderful day!!! Sherry

“For God hath chosen the foolish things of the world, to confound the wise.” I Corinthians 1:27




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