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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

What is That in Thine Hand?” Exodus 4:2 Part One

The Lord had just chosen Moses, a humble man, who had a speech problem, to lead the children of Israel out from the bondage of Pharaoh into a land “flowing with milk and honey.” When God tells him this, Moses says, “But they will not believe me.” And the Lord, God asked him, “What is that in thine hand?”

Moses stood there before the Lord, with no “GPS” or navigation. He had no gun. Had no roadmap, and certainly had no “Green Beret” to protect him! Yet, he is expected to pry 1,000,000 slaves out of the hand of the great Egyptian Pharaoh, whose army and chariots were without number, and lead all these people through a desert, with no food and water! And God says, “what is that in thine hand?”

You know the story… The Lord says to Moses, “Cast it on the ground,” and it becomes a serpent, and Moses is scared, and he runs from it! God says, “Take it by the tail!” And when he reached for it, it turned back into a rod. Later on, when Moses stands before Pharaoh and casts his rod on the ground, he finds out that Satan always has a “duplicate” to try to counteract what God does! (We see this all the time in Haiti!).

The magicians cast their rods on the ground and they became serpents, too… but Moses’ rod (serpent) swallowed up all their serpents! Exodus 7:12

We always make excuses before God of “what we cannot do…” “I don’t have any education… I’m poor… I’m too old, I’m too young… I don’t have a house, a car… I don’t have the time… I’m not qualified!” Blah, blah, blah… When God says, “What is that in your hand?” You reply, “Here I am Lord, use me!” I may not have much “in my hand, but whatever I have, it’s yours!” God is saying, “You don’t need a whole lot! Just use what little you’ve got!”

Be sure to read “Part Two,” tomorrow! Blessings to you and your family! Sherry

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