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Word From the Mission Field: 4-22-19 6:00 AM

Word From the Mission Field: 4-22-19 6:00 AM

“Get Back Up!”

The Bible says, “For a just man falleth seven times and riseth up again.” Proverbs 24:15 & 16

Throughout our ministry, preaching on street corners, in churches, pastoring a church, preaching in gospel tents, in other countries, and ending up in Haiti, we have seen many “righteous fall.”

One time, Bobby was preaching on the streets in the African American community in Cocoa, Florida. There was a great woman of God, named Sister Brown. We loved her so much… but one day, we found out she had “gotten drunk and sick,” and ended up in the hospital. We went to see her. She turned her face away from us and said, “Brother Bobby, please don’t look at me. I have sinned against God. I have made a mess of my life. God has left me.” Bobby simply said, “Sister Brown get up out of the pig pen! You have been knocked down, but don’t let the devil keep you down.” Get Back Up! With those encouraging words, she did. She went back to preaching and “never got knocked down again” because someone believed in her.

We, as Christians, can fall too. Peter “denied the Lord,” as Jesus prophesied he would do. But what did Peter do? He repented with tears and then he got back up! Peter was such a great disciple of Jesus… he never denied the Lord again! In fact, he was “crucified upside down on the cross,” for Jesus. He said, “I am not worthy to die on the cross as Jesus, crucify me upside down.”

So, if the devil “knocks you down, get back up” and “give him a punch!” Do more for God than you ever have before! God bless you, Sherry

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