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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Tithes, Offerings, and Alms…”

The Bible tells a wonderful story about a contrite and compassionate centurion, named Cornelius. He was a “centurion soldier” (a soldier over 100 men). His description is so real… “A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people…” (Acts 10:2)

The Bible explains three ways of giving unto the Lord. Nearly everyone knows what “tithes” are… ten percent of your income, usually given to your local church. An “offering” is something “beyond” your tithe. Your “tithe” is what you owe God. If you “borrow money” from someone and pay it back, you are not “giving them anything.”  We “owe” God ten percent of what He has blessed us with. Offerings are given “beyond our tithes,” and God blesses offerings. Then, beyond that, is something called “alms.” Alms is giving to the poor, and this centurion, Cornelius, gave “much to the poor.” He prayed, and he gave to the poor.

The Bible says his “prayers and alms” came up before the Lord as a memorial before the Lord. In other words, God never forgot about Cornelius… He remembered Cornelius’ “prayers and giving to the poor.” It touched the heart of God so much that God spoke to Cornelius in an audible voice and said, “[Cornelius,] Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a ‘memorial’ before God.” (Acts 10:4) Wow!

Then, the Lord sent the Apostle Peter to Cornelius’ house to “preach the Word of God,” and minister to the “Gentiles” that were there! It was the first open door to the “Gentiles” through Peter preaching at the house of Cornelius!

Psalms 41:1-3 is the Word that Bobby and I stand upon every day… “Blessed is he that considereth (alms) to the poor…” God names “Seven Supernatural Promises” to those who give “alms” to the poor! Nothing touches the heart of God like giving to the poor! Read these “Seven Supernatural Blessings” today!

Have a blessed day and keep your heart turned to the poor! Sherry

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