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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“God leads His dear children along.”

I love the song that I’m listening to right now… The Lord is our “shepherd.” He leads us to the “good waters” and green pastures, but He also leads us through the darkest of night, through the valley… Some through the waters, some through the flood… Some through the fire, but “all through the blood.”

The part that says, “Some through the waters, some through the flood,” brings back a frightening memory of years ago in Haiti. We were up in a mountain doing Mobile Medical Clinics. Mr. Occius, the owner of the land where we held the clinic, begged us to “leave rapidly.” He knew that we had to travel through a huge ravine with steep mountainous rocks on each side. It was the “rainy season” and this area often flooded. He knew we would be in “great danger.”

We left as soon as we could, but en route the waters came “pouring down through the ravine at a frightening speed!” We had to get across the “rapidly moving current that was running through the ravine!” It was so swift that we could never make it on foot. Some of the guys decided to throw a rope over to the other side and have the Haitians tie it around a tree, and then we would “hold on to the rope” to cross over. As each one of us held on to the rope to cross over, we held our breath and prayed that we would not be swept away! Somehow, we had all made it! We were the “some through the waters, some through the flood!”

“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee…” Isaiah 43:2

Have a great day and remember, “the Lord Jesus is always with you!” Sherry

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