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Word from the Mission Field

“Just How Thirsty Are You?”

Have you ever had an “unquenchable thirst?” Maybe a long walk in the hot sun, a rough climb up the mountain, or something strenuous? You can’t wait to get to water? So many times here in Haiti, especially in our earlier years, we drove so many junk vehicles and we were always breaking down in the mountains…especially the mountains of Savaan Pit. The worst was when we broke down leaving the mountains of Savaan Pit, because after we walked across the river, it was a “straight-up climb!”  There were no trees, no shade… There was no way to get out of the heat. Once, when walking up, we felt that we would not make it! We walked for hours in the heat of the summer, straight up! We had run out of water and were extremely dehydrated. I remember how thirsty we were when we finally got a ride back home! All I wanted was some “cold water!”

David said, “My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God…”  Psalm 42:2

Maybe you are not “thirsty enough” for God to move your heart… Just “how thirsty are you?” Jesus is the “water of life,” ready to quench your thirst…

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