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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“It’s not about ‘who we are,’ it’s about who He is!”

I am reading the story again of David and Mephibosheth. I greatly missed the point of the story. We know that David made a “covenant” with Jonathan, the son of Saul. David knew that Jonathan’s father, King Saul, would hunt David to kill him and that he would soon be separated from his best friend.

Now, years later, David is king and is reminded of his covenant to Jonathan. He begins to look for Jonathan’s heir, probably thinking he was a wealthy man, being the grandson of Saul. Instead, his soldiers drag in a dirty beggar, Mephibosheth, dressed in rags from a poor desert town,  “who is crippled,” each soldier with an arm. He is laid at the feet of his grandfather’s most hated man… King David.

David kept the covenant, regardless of how unworthy Mephibosheth was, giving him not only what belonged to his father, Jonathan, but what belonged to King Saul! Now, this unworthy beggar had just won the “lottery for life!”

You and I are “Mephibosheth!” We are unworthy, but God will keep every promise, every covenant He has made! 

That should “make your day!” Sherry

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