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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“If you dig ditches, God will fill them!”

Faith must always take the “first step!” Elijah was not a “wishy-washy” prophet. He had “reckless faith!” He just believed that God could do anything, so he finds himself in a “contest” between the prophets of Ba-al and “the God of Elijah!” It was a pretty even battle between “one man of God” and 450 prophets of Ba-al! Elijah had them build an altar and the “God” that answered by fire would be God! So, Ba-al’s prophets danced, pleaded, and jumped on the Ba-al altar, and then cried, cut themselves with knives and lancets, until “blood gushed out upon them,” but Ba-al’s gods would not answer and would not cause fire to come down.

Elijah, on the other hand, “puts God to the test” with his faith. He has an altar too, and he has them fill four barrels with water and dumps them on the altar to soak it… Then, he did it a third time. And then, he “dug ditches around the altar.” Why did he do that when everyone knows that fire cannot consume the “soaking wet” altar?

He dug the ditches by faith and prayed… God answered by fire and consumed the altar! Nothing moves the “hand of God” like faith! If you dig the ditches first, God will fill them! If you take the “first step of faith,” whether it be for your healing, your children, your finances, whatever… God will always back it up! So, if you need a miracle, put God to the test! Go ahead and “dig a ditch” by faith, and just sit back and see what God will do! Have a great day! Sherry


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