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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Let us not be weary in well doing…”

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9

It’s not hard to do good things, “to good people,” but it’s extremely difficult to do good things to bad people, who are not kind to you… when they talk about you behind you, behind your back, or when they lie to you. This separates “God’s children” from the world.

It happens to us here in Haiti. Sometimes, when we give food to missionaries, food that we have had to work hard to raise the money for, and then, there are those who cannot even say “thank you.” It happens to all of us… But, we must remember that it happened to Jesus, more than to us.

He healed ten lepers, and only one… one out of ten returned to say “thank you.” This is something that will test our “walk with God.” We must get to the place where “we do it only unto Jesus,” and then, it doesn’t matter what they say or do. We will reap in due season, “if we faint not.” We will reap if we don’t get tired of “planting and watering good seeds.”

Last year, my friend Kaeli and I were attacked by some “thugs” right here in our neighborhood. We didn’t have enough food to give them so they jumped on top of our vehicle with rocks in their hands, ready to smash our windows! By a miracle, a Haitian pastor pulled one of them off and threw him to the ground. We took off for Love A Child! We decided to bring the ten mean guys in and talk to them (Of course, I brought my Rotty in, “Sampson.” He doesn’t have to say too much!!)

We found out that they were frustrated at not having a job and not having food for their family. So, I hired them for our “local security!” Each time they help us, they receive food, and each month, a paycheck.

About a month ago, one of them accepted Jesus as his Saviour! We are working on the rest! “Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not!!!”

Blessings, Sherry

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