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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

Eat the last cake and die…or give it away and live?

I know I shared a scripture from 1 Kings 17:12 just a short time ago, but I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about it, and was honestly upset that Elijah would ask a poorhungry, starving widow woman for “her last cake.”

know that after he asked her for bread, and she let him know that she and her son were starving to death, he told her, “The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day the Lord sends rain upon it.” I thought about it all night, and it was as if the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “You are not getting it right…she would have died if she had eaten her last cake!”

To think of all the times I was feeling sorry for her, and upset that Elijah would ask a poor starving woman for her last cakeBut God was saying that by giving Elijah her last cakeshe and her son were savedThen the Lord said, “If she and her son had eaten her last cake as she’d planned, they both would have died.

In God’s planthings are not as they seem they are. Faith turns everything “upside down and inside out.” You can’t figure it out, but it works! So, in saying thatalways remember that it is better to bake your last cake and give it away than to eat it yourself.

If God has to perform a miracle for you, He will! 

Its about giving and obeying.


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