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Word from the Mission Field

“…so Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.” 2 Samuel 15:6

“And the conspiracy was strong; for the people increased continually with Absalom.” 2 Samuel 15:12

Here we have a sad story of a young man, Absalombeloved son of King David, turning the people from their leader King David unto himself. Many people do not believe in evil spirits, but jealousypride, and rebellion are all in the same family. King David, once the shepherd boy who satsang, and communicated with his God in sheep pastures, fought the giant, brought victory to Israel, and did many wonderful things, now had a son who became his greatest enemy. 
It usually starts with jealousy, then pride, and then complete rebellion.

This happened to Bobby and me when we first got our land here at Fond Parisien. We had a person come to work with us who immediately had a jealous spirit and thought they could do what we did “better than us.” They began to pull our workers and missionary teams apart and speak against us; they soon thought that they should take over. The Lord told us to “put them out,” but because we loved them we kept thinking that “they would change,” but they did not. When they left, that “Absalom spirit” was still here and it fell on another and another.

We finally had to fast and pray and even have the Haitian Christian leaders walk across our property and pray. We fought a great battle and won! Nowwe pray for “armor-bearers,” people who would battle with us like Jonathan and his “armor-bearer.” 1 Sam. 14: 6-7.

If you are facing this today, the warning is that “you cannot keep the Absalom spirit on your property, or in your house, etc. It must go, or it will grow! You cannot feed itappease it, or hope that it will change. It will not change. It will grow like cancer and spread to others! And yes, it is in churches too.

We have had wonderful peace on our property here for a long time. We are very careful about whoever comes to work with us. No matter who they are, they must have a submissive servant-like heart and love the Haitian people as much as we do. 
know this is not the “normal morning scripture message,” but it has really been on my heart as a warning to someone. When the spirit is gone, you will feel like a huge burden has left! 

God bless you and have a great day, in Jesus! 


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