“Passing by on the other side…”
We have all heard the story of the “good Samaritan.” Jesus told this story in Luke 10: “A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves who stripped him of his garment, wounded him, and departed him, leaving him half dead…”
But there’s hope for the guy… a priest was coming, surely this “man of God” would stop and help him, but, “he passed by on the other side.” But, the wounded man had another chance… here comes a Levite, one of the “holiest” men there were, but, he too, passed by “on the other side.” Thank God for the good “Samaritan” who “listened with his heart,” and came to help him. He did not “pass by,” he stopped!
We hear of other stories of those “who passed by on the other side.” In Jerusalem, there was a pool at Bethesda, which had five porches. An “Angel of the Lord” came down at a certain season, and whoever was the “first one in the pool,” was healed. There was a lame man “there who had an infirmity 38 years…” He had been paralyzed, never had walked. He could only “dream of walking.” He had “no man to put him in the water” when the Angel came by. Everyone else had “passed by on the other side.” But, instead of “passing by on the side,” Jesus came by. He didn’t have to put the man in the “healing water.” He WAS the healing water!
There are other stories of those who “passed by on the other side.” Sometimes, we are “too busy” to see those who really need us. We “pass by on the other side,” as these people did. We must be sensitive to the Lord, have our eyes open, our ears open, and our hearts open to “that one cry.” Never “pass by on the other side,” because you may be the one the Lord wants to use, to make a miracle happen! Have a great day!