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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field


Saint Francis of Assisi understood the power of faith to change the human heart, for it was he who said, “Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.”

When we found the grass hut village of Old Letant, I couldn’t wait to pick up my Bible and start preaching! The Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said, “Do not preach a word.” For one year solid, we went in with Sherry’s Mobile Medical Clinics. We gave out food, “Feed My Starving Children” food, clothes, and even Bibles. Yet, I had not preached the Gospel one time to the people.

There was a mean witch doctor who lived there, named “Joel.” He would steal some of Sherry’s medicine every time and worked a lot of Voodoo. He hated missionaries because some missionaries had come into the village and taken pictures, promised food, etc., raising money but never came back. So, he hated missionaries!

We just continued to have the Mobile Medical Clinics, bringing them food and clothing, but we never preached to them. One day, the witch doctor, Joel, came to Sherry and said, “I want to be a citizen of the same country you belong to.” Sherry said, “Joel, I’m not getting you a visa to the States!” He said, “I don’t want to go to the States. I want to go to Heaven!”

Someone has been watching your life… you may not realize it, but you are a “walking Bible.” They may not go to church, but “you” are the church! Live your life today and shine the love of God. The Lord will let you know when to witness, but you must first gain their love… “Love is something you do!” Bobby

P.S. I must add that Joel came to Christ, and by the next week, he went into the next village of Cotin and won 120 Voodoo people to the Lord!! David George sponsored the church and school to be built there. The village of Old Letant still loves the preaching of our good friend, Pastor Bogey, from Valley, Alabama. He can get down on it!!

Joel came to see Sherry and me one day here at our Love A Child Children’s Home. He told Sherry, “Today I will die. I must go and make my funeral arrangements.” He wasn’t even sick. He was still a young man. He died that day and met his maker. We miss you, Joel, very much. Bobby and Sherry

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