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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

The joy of giving to the poor.

“There is that scattereth and yet, increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, and it tendeth to poverty.” Proverbs 11:24

How could this possibly be true? How can you give and give, and yet, increase? It is the law of God… You are actually planting a seed in good soil, when you give, especially when you give to the poor.

And yet, there are many who have “much to give,” and yet, they hold on to it. There is not a better example of the “rich man and Lazarus,” than here in Haiti. This is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere… it is a place where little children eat “dirt cookies” to ease their hunger; it is a place where some mothers “sell one child in order to the feed the others.” It is a place where entire families live and eat inside the largest dump in Haiti… and yet, the rich “pass by on the other side.” Then, we see those who, like the widow woman in the Bible, give their last mite. I have never seen a better picture of Lazarus and the rich man, than here in Haiti… some live in the mountains in houses three stories high, but, they will never “see the poor.” To them, the poor do not exist.

There is no greater blessing than “scattering or giving” to the poor! Bobby and I are good examples. We were “poor,” giving to the poor, and yet, God has blessed us and our children. Today, if you have never known the joy of giving, ask the Lord to show you what to do and where to give. He will do it and you will be blessed, according to Psalms 41:1-3. “Blessed is he, that considereth the poor.” Have a great day!


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