“But God looks on the heart…”
I love the 1st and 2nd Books of Samuel and Kings! What great stories and lessons for us to learn. One of my favorites is the story of Samuel, the great Prophet of God, going to anoint “one of Jesse’s sons” to be King over Israel. My, Jesse had some good-looking and strong sons… And one by one they passed before Samuel. I can see that he had his hand on “the horn of oil” with each son, getting ready to anoint that big, strong, good-looking soldier to be King! As each son passed before Samuel, God said, “It’s not him… And no, it’s not this one.” Then, they ran out of sons. God said, “You’re too busy looking at their height and how good-looking they are… I don’t look on the outside. I look on the heart.” Then Samuel said, “Do you have any more sons, Jesse?” He replied, “Yes, I have a young son, but he just takes care of the sheep.” You know the story. David was anointed King, and “the Spirit of the Lord came upon David.” But, God knew this young boy had already killed a lion and a bear, and he knew this young man was “fearless.” We cannot judge anyone by the outside because God sees the heart! Have a great day! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field
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