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Word From the Mission Field:  7-21-18  6:20 AM

Word From the Mission Field: 7-21-18 6:20 AM

“Who Do You Think Is Watching You?”

Sometimes, Christians think they can live their lives and “get away with things,” and no one is watching. Hebrews 12:1 says, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” Years ago, I met a witch doctor by the name of Joel Estime. He was mean, and he was evil, but I had to use his “tonnel hut” for a Mobile Medical Clinic. The Lord spoke to our hearts and said, “Do not witness to him; do not preach to him…just live your life,” and we did. One day, Joel came to us and said, “I want to become a citizen of the same country you belong to.” I said, “Joel, I’m not getting you a Visa to the U.S.” He said, “I don’t want to go to the U.S., I want to go to Heaven!” Some years later, I asked Joel “What made you become a Christian?” He said, “I always hated Christians because they made promises and didn’t keep them. But, I watched you, and you kept your promise, you helped the poor, and you did what you said you would do. That’s what made me know that what you have is real.”

Today, we are running a race, and the unbelievers are watching us. They are all around us. We don’t know that they are watching us, listening to us, and seeing if “what we have is real…” You may be the cause of someone coming to Christ, or “not coming to Christ.” Have a great day and let people see Jesus in you! Sherry


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