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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Out of the mouth of the lion…”

Someone once asked, “Were there lions in Bible days?” Yes! Of course!!! There are scriptures and stories, but the best one that we all know is Daniel “in” the den of lions! This, of course, is hard for non-believers to think about how a man could survive “being thrown into a den of lions.” (Hungry lions at that!) It all started with “Godly Daniel,” who prayed to God three times a day. In fact, he opened his window every morning toward the east and prayed “three times a day.” His enemies became jealous of him. This is where the trouble starts… When your “enemies” become jealous, and they will!

King Darius had just signed a decree that whosoever would not bow down to his stature, would be thrown into the “den of lions.” You know the story… Daniel and his friends would not bow down, or they didn’t “cave in!” But they “were” thrown into the den of lions and the door was shut. Have you ever felt like you were facing a “den of lions?”

“My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths…” (Daniel 6:22) Timothy said, “… and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.” (2 Timothy 4:17)

The reason God laid this scripture upon our heart is that Bobby and I are also “facing the might of the lion.” We pray this prayer every morning, “God, deliver us out of the mouth of the lion! Oh, God, shut the mouth of the lion!” The same God that will deliver us, will deliver you! And the same God that will deliver you, will deliver us!!! We will all “come out forth,” because “God will shut the mouth of the lion!” Hang in there!!! Sherry

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