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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“The Spirit of Fear…”

Many Christians do not believe in evil spirits. Many do not even believe that “fear” is a spirit. I never gave this a lot of thought until we moved to Haiti and learned more about the Haitian culture. Haitians are afraid of everything, especially when they think someone is putting Voodoo on them. They will become so afraid that they will actually get sick and die. They die from fear. 

When they first hear that someone has put an evil spirit on them, they begin to get sick, and yes, they can die. I have seen women whom I thought were pregnant, but they weren’t…yet, their stomachs would swell, as if they were. Later, I would be told that someone had put a spell on them. It all works because of “fear.”

The Bible says that “fear” is a “spirit.” “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” II Tim.1:7

Today, do not let fear take control…fear of losing your job, fear of losing your husband, fear of dying, fear of anything. Because God has given us the “spirit of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” The spirit of love always overcomes the spirit of fear. Do not fear! God is on your side!

Have a wonderful day!!



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