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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“He Found Me in a Low Place”

Jesus always has and always will be looking for those “in a low place.” He didn’t come for the righteous or the rich but for those no one else wanted. In John Chapter 4, Jesus left Judea en route to Galilee. But He made a detour. (He will always make a detour to get to those He loves!)

The Bible declares, “And He must needs (of a great necessity) go through Samaria.” John 4:4

No Jew or Rabbi would have ever gone through Samaria. In fact, they would have “gone a long way around” to be sure they didn’t get any “Samaritan dust” on their feet! But, there, He met a woman, as He stopped by the well. She was a prostitute, a woman of low esteem, who thought that there was no way out for her.

Have you ever felt that there “was no way out?” Some people sink so low in sin that they feel it would be better to die. Some feel there is no way out. Some have been through a divorce or faced a “death sentence” from a doctor. Others have children on drugs, and some are making their living on the streets. You can’t get any “lower” than this.

With the “woman at the well,” Jesus read her heart and told her all about herself. He knew that she was at “the end of her rope,” and He “found her at a low place.” There was a little woman who was dying of a bleeding disorder in her body for nine long years. She had spent all her money on doctors who did nothing for her. She was in “a low place” until she touched the hem of the garment of Jesus! Matthew 9:20

So today, if you are in “a low place,” Jesus, the King of Kings, will find you and help you! He always finds His jewels “in a low place.”



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