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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“He never knew it was a test.”

The Book of Job is amazing to me. Bible scholars say it is the oldest book in the Bible. The story, as we all know, is about a very wealthy, Godly man, named Job.

Chapter one of Job talks about his substance… 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yokes of oxen, 500 she asses, a very great house, and “the wealthiest man in the east.” He had seven sons and three daughters. Everyone loved Job! He was kind to the poor, prayed every day, and did sacrifices to cover the sins of his children, continually. He was, what you could call, a perfect Christian.

However, when God allowed Satan to “touch his life,” Job lost everything… and soon, all his children were killed in one day! Boom! Gone! But that’s not all, God allowed Satan to touch his body, so that Job ended up in ashes, scraping his boils with a potsherd! Job said, “My flesh is clothed with worms and clogs of dust.” He said, “Mine eye poureth out tears unto God.” Job NEVER KNEW WHY THIS ALL HAPPENED. He thought God was mad at him, or that he was being punished. After all, Job had no Bible or Christian bookstore near him. He had no television to listen to, no radio, no church to go to, and no Christians! So, he never thought “that the trial of your faith, being so much more precious than of gold, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ!” (1 Peter 1:7) JOB NEVER KNEW IT WAS A TEST! If only Job had a Bible, or Christian TV, or a good church to go to! But, in all this, he retained his integrity, and still loved God. We know the end of the story… God richly blessed him and gave everything back to him.

Today, if you are going through something that you cannot understand, get your Bible out and read 1 Peter 1:7. It is called a “fiery trial.” But hang in there! You are on the winning side and YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS because you know “it’s a test!” Hang in there!!! Good things are coming your way! Don’t give up!


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