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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“How much is left over?”

Have you ever noticed that some of the most famous stories in the Bible are about people whose names are never mentioned… the Good Samaritan, the little boy who gave his last two loaves and fishes to feed a multitude, or the little woman who gave her last two mites? They are some of the unnamed heroes of the Bible. One of my favorites is the little widow woman with her two mites. It is a story about giving, and this is why Jesus taught us the story…

Years ago, some of our friends paid our way to Israel. What a trip that was! My favorite part of the trip was the story of the little widow woman. Our guide told us that in those days the widows were not supposed to be in the “giving line.” The widows were supposed to go to the back and receive a little money from the priest. But “there was a certain widow, and she threw in two mites.” (Mark 12:42) He took us to a place where they had those tiny little “widow’s mites.” They are about the size of a small fingernail! You would never be able to find it in the offering plate at your church!!

Jesus used her as a lesson on giving. He called his disciples and said, “For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want, did cast in all that she had, even all her living.” (Mark 12:44) She threw in “all her living!” The thought behind this is… “it’s not how much you give that determines the sacrifice; it’s how much you have left over after you give that determines the sacrifice.” A millionaire could drop $1,000 in a church offering plate, and that would be great, but that was not a “sacrifice.” But the little housewife with her five little children, trying to make a living without a husband, takes her two little crumpled $1.00 bills (all she has) and happily drops them into the offering plate. Who gave the most?

There is a place in heaven for the wonderful children of God who give all they have, even if it is “two mites!” Always be a giver! God is not “stingy with us.” He blesses us more than we can ask or think! Today, keep your heart open because God may speak to you to give to someone “you don’t even know!” Have a wonderful day! Sherry

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