“Take The Limits Off God!”
I could read the stories of Elisha and Elijah over and over again! Just to think that we are serving the same God makes me so excited! In 2 Kings 4:1-7, we see the “widow woman,” who could not pay her debt. How many of us have been in that condition? Bobby and I were when we first started our ministry. She has a son but owes money, and the debtors are coming to take her son. She is in a mess! Elisha comes by and tells her to “fill all her vessels,” because God is going to do a miracle! The miracle could have stopped there, but “God is a God of more than enough!” As her vessels overflowed, the oil was still flowing. Elisha said, “Go borrow vessels somewhere, anywhere!” And, “the God of more than enough,” filled those! The only reason the oil stopped was because she was out of vessels. Today, when you pray, don’t just ask God “for just enough to get by,” ask God for “more than enough!” Take the limits off God! Today will be good! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field
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