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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“A Repenting Heart…”

In Luke 15:10, Jesus was teaching on something very important… “a repenting heart.” He said, “There is joy in the presence of the Angels of God, over one sinner that repenteth.” Then, he went on to tell the story of what we call “The Prodigal Son.” When we say this, instantly, people think about the young son, who left his precious father, went into a far country, wasted all his inheritance on prostitutes, drugs, partying, everything you can think of… After all this, he had spent all of his inheritance…

But then the famine came. He had gone “from bad to worse.” He was broke, his friends were gone, and he was left alone to die.

He finally ended up in the hands of a man who had pigs, who told the young man to “feed his pigs.” He got so hungry that he actually wanted to eat the pig’s food!

Knowing how the Israelites thought about pigs, this was a remarkable thing to say. There was no one there to give him food or share anything to eat with him. He was undoubtedly hungry for a very long time. But the Bible says, “But when he came to himself…” That means a light came on. He started thinking, “I will arise and go to my father and will say unto him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee.” That son acknowledged his sin before his father and before God! Then he said, “I am no more worthy to be called thy son; make me as of thy hired servants.”

This brings tears to my eyes. How often has someone done something wrong against us, and we just can’t forgive them…This young man had a “repenting heart.” This is the heart that God loves…

And just like our “Heavenly Father, who sees us coming to Him in the distance,” he ran towards his son!

Today, your life may be in a mess, and you feel that there is no one to pull you out of the “pigpen.” But your Father is always there, waiting. He just wants to hear that “repenting heart” cry out to Him, so that He can open His arms and say, “Welcome back, my child!”

Always, always have a “repenting heart,” and God will bless you. Good things will be coming your way! Sherry

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