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Word from the Mission Field

“What’s Time, to God?”

Have you ever prayed and wanted God to “hurry up?” We live in a “hurry up” society! Everything is instant! Everything moves fast. I think that this is one reason that people when they pray, they don’t “keep on knocking.” They may ask the Lord for something once or twice and then, they get discouraged.

Time, to you and I, is not the same “as time to God.” “For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.” Psalms 90:4

Time, in God’s eyes, is not the same as “time,” as we know it. The Lord has a plan and purpose for everything. But always remember one thing… “God is never late.” And “even if “He’s four days late,” He’s always on time! So, don’t be discouraged, keep on knocking, and keep on believing. The answer is on the way!


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