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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field


Sooner or later, we will all go through the same battle… “You find yourself outnumbered!” You might say you’re overwhelmed, afraid, broke, discouraged… You have been given “bad news.” Maybe you had the “victory” yesterday, but now you are in the same boat as King Jehoshaphat… Outnumbered! Jehoshaphat was only 35 years old when he began to reign as king of Judah. He did “everything right” in the eyes of the Lord. But one day, his happy reign was changed in a moment of time. One of the king’s servants came in shouting, “There cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea…” He looked out his window and saw the notorious armies of, not one but two, great kingdoms headed his way. The sound of thousands and thousands of horses, their hooves clamping and stomping on the ground, the dust coming up in the air… And the enemy was spread out as far as one could see. You could say, Jehoshaphat was “outnumbered!” And he was!

But you can feel that same heart beating fast as you come from the doctor’s office with bad news. You feel “outnumbered.” Or your husband just left you with children to raise, or a family member is sick until death, or you have just lost your job, or you just found out your son is on drugs… That’s “feeling outnumbered.” To God, there are no big problems and little problems. To the God who created the universe, He is never “outnumbered!” God spoke to Jehoshaphat and said, “BE NOT AFRAID NOR DISMAYED BY REASON OF THIS GREAT MULTITUDE; FOR THE BATTLE IS NOT YOURS, BUT GOD’S!” (2 Chronicles 20:15) Jehoshaphat won the battle!! He not only won the battle, but he and his people left town with an “abundance both riches with the dead bodies, and precious jewels, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away: and they were three days in gathering of the spoil, it was so much!” (2 Chronicles 20:25)

So, who’s outnumbered now??? Satan is, and you are on the winning side! DO NOT FEAR!! GOD IS NEVER OUTNUMBERED! 



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