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Word From the Mission Field: 9-29-18 6:00 AM

A Dangerous Lunatic Becomes a Preacher. Mark 5:1-20 — Sometimes, we think someone is “too bad to be saved.” The greatest thing that has happened to me in Haiti, was winning Joel Estime, a witch doctor, to the Lord! He was mean, he stole all the food and clothing we would take to the village, and he was always “putting spells” on someone… But one day, he knelt at the feet of Jesus and became an evangelist! He won 120 people to the Lord that week! In Mark 5, we see a crazy man living in the tombs, cutting himself with rocks, and breaking every chain. No one could tame him until he met Jesus! The moment he was delivered, he wanted to go with Jesus, but Jesus told him to tell everyone what God had done. “And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel.” Mark 5:20 — That person you are praying for, he’s never too far gone on drugs or alcohol and never too far away for Jesus! Blessings! Sherry

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