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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“You Just Can’t See Who’s On Your Side!”

“Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, Saith the Lord of Hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

“He had never held a sword, or served in the army of Israel. In fact, his job was to work in his father’s threshing floor and hide the wheat from the invaders, the Midianites. But, God always chooses the “least likely,” for His most important work.

The Lord sends an Angel to tell Gideon that he is a “mighty man of valor,” and he will save the Israelites from the Midianites and the Amalekites. They were fierce, without number, and the amount of camels were without number. It must have been a terrifying sight for the people of Israel.

Gideon is to form an army but God whittles down the number of men He needs. The Army consists of 300 men, carrying a sword in one hand, and an earthen clay pitcher in the other hand, with a small torch, lit inside. What is that against the great army with the equipment, “that cannot be numbered?”

Read the story… Gideon’s men surrounded the enemy, Gideon blew the trumpet, his men broke their pitchers, allowing the lighted torches to appear in the dark! Then, an Angel of Lord “turned the enemy against one another” and Gideon and his army had the victory!!

Don’t ever look at the enemy’s strength to determine your outcome! God doesn’t care about you “being outnumbered!” You just can’t see “who’s on your side!” You are a winner! Have a great day!


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