“Face to the Wall.”
There comes a time in the life of every one of us, where we are facing a problem that seems “insurmountable…” a mountain too high to climb. We have faced that several times in our lives. I can remember when Bobby had a doctor’s appointment and the doctor had “bad news.” I can remember when our daughter had a horrible illness. I can remember one day, when we called to check on our account at the bank and it was down to “zero.”
There are times when we face something, that we hurt so bad, we feel that there is no medicine for the “pain.” There’s a great man in the Bible named “Hezekiah.” He was the king of Judah and he loved God and stood for the righteous… but, the Bible says, that one day, “he was sick unto death.” That might have been bad enough, but to top it off, in comes the Prophet Isaiah with a word from God, Thus saith the Lord, “Set thine house in order, for thou shalt die, and not live.” Isaiah 38:2
But listen to what Hezekiah did, “Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord.” The result was that God “added 15 years to his life.”
There will come a time in our life, when it looks like the worst thing in the world is upon us. We must “turn our face to the wall,” and get ahold of God! And, I know He will answer! Faith works and Jesus never fails!