“You’re Flying IFR!”
Years ago, before we moved to Haiti, Bobby decided he was going to get his “Pilot’s License!” As a good wife, I said, “Bobby, you can’t even drive well! How are you going to learn how to fly?” But he did! He was a good pilot and did well, with his VFR rating. VFR means “Visual Flight Rules.” You are mapping your way, watching your instruments, also watching everything “visually,” i.e. another small airport, a lake, etc. His dream was to get his IFR rating, which means, “Instrument Flight Rules” but, we were so busy traveling and ministering, that he did not have the time to study and take those tests.
One thing Bobby’s instructor taught him was, “Bobby, you must learn to trust your instruments. You may be flying over water, and soon the horizon and the water will look alike. Watch your instruments. Trust them. They are never wrong.” One time, Bobby ended up flying across the water at night! But, he had been taught to “trust his instruments,” no matter what it looked like. He remembered what his flight instructor had told him! Even though he was not yet IFR, the things his instructor taught him saved his life. “Bobby, don’t trust what you see… trust your instruments.”As Christians, we fly, “IFR.” The Bible says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” II Corinthians 5:7
God has given us the gift of “Faith” and He wants us to use it! No matter “how bad it looks,” in the natural, trust your instrument! It’s called, “Faith!” When you serve God, you are flying “IFR!” Hang in there! It’s about to get better!
P.S. If you have not received our book yet, “Love Is Something You Do,” you will hear many stories of faith in it!!