“I won’t take no for an answer, faith.”
All of us will need a miracle in our life, sooner or later. And when we do, we must be able to “do whatever it takes” to get to Jesus.
One of my favorite stories is Mark 2:4. Jesus was preaching in Capernaum in someone’s house. When Jesus healed even “one,” everyone knew it. They followed Jesus anywhere and everywhere. So here, Jesus was in a house, and there were so many people, (you can imagine) that “no one else could even squeeze through the crowd” to get to Him. Some men came, carrying one of their friends who was sick with palsy. (He could not walk or talk.) They knew this was their only chance for a miracle. So, they raised him to the roof, and literally “broke the roof up” and “let the man down through the roof on his bed!” Instead of being angry, Jesus saw their faith and healed the man.
Just like the woman with the “issue of blood,” who had been sick many years, and spent all she had and only grew worse. She fought her way through and “touched the hem of His garment, and was made whole.”
Peter and the disciples were in a boat and in the middle of a horrible storm, but Jesus came to them, walking on the water. Peter knew that if this was “their Jesus,” he would have to “walk on the water to get to Him” and he did. Nothing, nothing, nothing pleases Jesus like being persistent. “I won’t take no for an answer, faith!” So, do whatever it takes to get to Jesus! Have a blessed day.