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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Nothing Is Too Hard For God!”

What a story in 1 Kings 18:19-35… The Prophet Elijah was certainly a “character,” and you wouldn’t want to make him mad! Ahab was King of Israel, and they were serving Baal, a false god. Elijah gathers the entire nation together for a battle of “whose god is the real God?” Ahab’s false prophets were to make a sacrifice and put it on the altar, and call upon their “god” to bring fire… hundreds of false prophets against one little ornery, cantankerous, “full of faith” Prophet Elijah.

The Bible says that Ahab’s crew of false prophets began to pray, rant, scream, and cry… all day. Elijah taunts them. “Maybe your god is busy talking, or he is chasing someone, or he is on a journey, or maybe he’s sleeping and doesn’t want to be disturbed!” The false prophets were so angry they began cutting themselves with knives to bleed to their gods. Nothing. Then, listen to what Elijah did… He “made it hard” for God to do his miracle. He had all the ditches filled with water! He had them throw water on the altar, and in all the trenches! He prayed a simple prayer and “the God of Elijah” sent down fire from Heaven, which consumed the altar, the wood, the stones, the dust, and every drop that was in the trench! Just think… you are serving “Elijah’s God, and there is nothing, absolutely nothing too hard for Him!” Wow!


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