“Where Should You Hide Your Treasure?”
During the Embargo of Haiti, we were constantly in fear of thieves breaking in. We had no electricity, and everything was in chaos. Bobby had to leave our house in the mountains for about a week, so I decided to stay with my missionary friend, Donna Bryce. (She lived on the other side of the mountain.) I walked over there, and we talked about what we would do if a thief broke in. (Her husband was gone, too.) We decided to put our few pieces of what we considered valuable, a little bit of money and a few pieces of jewelry in a small plastic zip-lock bag, and hide it in the tank top of the commode. (So, therefore, we couldn’t flush the toilet.) We were safe that week but had to put iron bars on all our windows and doors in both of our houses because of thieves. Jesus said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal…” Matthew 6:19 – But Jesus said, “We should lay up our treasure in Heaven where it cannot rust, or become corrupt, and where thieves cannot steal.” “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Keep laying up your treasures in Haiti, where your heart is. Have a blessed day! Bobby and Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 01-05-18
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