A Table Before You with Your Enemies…
Psalm 23 is an incredible chapter. David likens us to sheep, being led to the sweetest waters and the best grass, by the Shepherd. Verse 5 means a lot to me… “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.” Have you ever had enemies? I mean “real enemies” that want to take your job, ruin your reputation or even kill you? We have, here in Haiti. Food Distributions are so dangerous, and our greatest dangers have been the “thugs” in our area, who have threatened our lives with rocks, guns, and even Voodoo. (The Voodoo doesn’t bother me; it’s the rocks and the guns!) But, God has given us tremendous favor, and now, the ten mean thugs who used to burn tires and threaten us, have become our “Love A Child Security,” and protect us in five areas!!! Well! Well! Well! What an amazing God! Have a great day and don’t be afraid of your enemies, ask God to “give you peace and favor” in their sight. Have a great day! Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 01-09-18
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