“What is that in thine Hand?” That’s what God is asking you today. What is in your “hand?”
That’s what the Lord asked Moses, and what was his reply? “A Rod.” God said, “Throw it on the ground,” and when he did, it became a snake. Exodus 4:1-3
Did Moses have any qualifications to lead a vast amount of people (about 1,000,000) through a wilderness in sight of enemies with no food or grocery stores anywhere? No! Moses didn’t have qualifications, but God chose him because “God qualified him!” Maybe you can say, “Bobby, I don’t have any talent that God can use.” Well, you have obedience and that’s all God wants. He will do the rest. He will mold you and make you what He wants you to be. All He asks for is “a willing heart.” Are you going to give that to Him today? Would you be the “clay” and allow Him to be the Potter? He knows what to do! He has been doing this since before the earth was created!!! He has never failed, and never will! Just be obedient to Him today, and He will lead you and bless you!!! Let Him use “what is in your hand!” Have a great day! Bobby and Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 01-24-18
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