“Location, location, location…” Have you ever heard that “location is everything?” It is also true of God’s plan for your life. Sometimes, we are in a place that is not God’s divine will. His Divine Will is the “assignment He has for you.” When we get in the center of God’s will, in complete obedience, God’s blessings will come. Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers, and yet, he was taken from the “pit to Pharaoh’s Palace,” where blessings came! Those four lepers “outside the gate of Samaria,” may be like…afraid to move or afraid to make a decision. They said, “Why sit we here until we die?” 2 Kings 7:3 – But, when they made that decision to move to another location, great blessings came upon them. Maybe you are contemplating a move, but you are afraid to make the “wrong move.” Go ahead. If God has put that in your heart, make that move!!! Your blessing will come when you are in “the place of your assignment,” or in God’s perfect will! Bobby and I struggled all our lives until we “made the decision to move to Haiti.” And when we did, blessings followed us! Don’t be afraid to make that move. Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 01-30-18
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