“Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee…” Jeremiah 1:5
Have you ever felt that you were not important? Maybe you have been through some things in your life that made you feel like you were not someone of value. That is a lie of Satan. You were created by God to be the “answer” to someone who needs you. No one else is like you. God made you an “original,” and someone needs you in his or her life. Maybe they don’t know the Lord, or maybe they are sick, or perhaps they need a financial blessing or a touch. You are very, very important to someone. Look today to find that person that needs you. You are the answer to their prayers. God knew you “before you were born.” He knew what your name would be, and everything about you. You are special to God and God made you “special” to someone in need. Be open to His voice today. Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 02-07-18
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