“Picking up stones…” In Joshua 4:1-3, the Lord told Joshua to tell each of the twelve tribes to choose one man to pick up a stone from the midst of the Jordan River. This is the same river that God had made “stand on heaps to let the Israelites walk over on dry land.” Then, of course, when the Pharaoh’s chariots followed, the Jordan overflowed and killed Pharaoh’s men and the chariots sank to the bottom. God wanted His people to “pick up stones,” and look at these stones and say, “Look what the Lord did for me!” Bobby and I still have the grocery receipt from the Caribbean Market here in Haiti that is dated January 12, 2010. We had gone to buy food for our team and left just a short time before the earthquake hit, crushing everything and everyone inside the Caribbean Market! Do you have “stones” to remember what God has done for you? Thank Him now! God bless you, Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 02-21-17
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