God measures your giving! I love this scripture. “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over…” Luke 6:38 – When we buy something on the street in Haiti, I watch the machanns (lady sellers) pour flour, rice, beans or whatever into those “mamit” measure cans and the ladies always make sure it is piled high on top and running over the sides. When we give to Jesus, He never cheats us. He gives us back “good measure.” He presses it down, He shakes it, and then, He lets it “run over” the sides! And just think, there are some people “afraid to give.” Bobby always says, “Jesus gives more on our money than the banks do!” Have a good day, and enjoy the “joy of giving!” Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 02-27-17
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