Saint Francis of Assisi understood the power of faith put into action to change the human heart. For it was he who said, “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” I will never forget how Sherry and I went into the Haitian village of Old Letant. A witch doctor by the name of Joel ran the village. The Lord did not let me preach using words for one year. Sherry would go in and have her Mobile Medical Clinics treating the children and adults. We would give out clothes and food, yet all this time, I did not realize we were preaching. The village was hearing the Gospel by our compassion of Christ and deeds. One year later, Joel came to Sherry and told her about a dream he had, a dream from God. Sherry won Joel to Jesus that day, and he burnt his Voodoo cross and all his Voodoo ceremonial objects. He began to win his village to Christ! He went over into the neighboring village of Cotin and won 140 people to Christ! We built a church there and in the village of Old Letant. A special thank you to David George who sponsored the building of these two churches ad schools. “Love Is Something You Do…” When necessary, use words! Bobby

Word from the Mission Field – 03-02-18
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